by Dan Shouse My wife, my veterinarian, our friends, and my co-workers call me poop obsessed. Like there could really be such a thing, right? Just because I am constantly checking my pets stool for consistency or foreign matter, does that make me strange ? Recently I had to take my Shiba Inu to the →
Kitty Litters – all brands, all scents, carbon or baking soda or clay, multi-cat, extra odor fighting and clumping by Jane Shouse and GiGi Katz Now before you go sounding off on what your human likes to buy you for your business in the loo, I’m here to say what I, GiGiKatz, prefers 🙂 I’ve tried →
Is you pet lacking vital enzymes for proper digestion and body health ? When asked most people either have not heard of enzymes or just do not understand what important functions they play in the body. Scientifically speaking and according to Wikipedia (who can resist the Wiki ?), “Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyze →
What the heck is Diatomaceous Earth and why would I want to use it on, in or near my pet? Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled organism of algae like plants called Diatoms. Diatomaceous Earth has many protective uses, from use on household pets as a drying agent, →
My name is Delilah Littles and I am a featured contributor here on Pet Health Life and today I would like to talk about the different food choices I have had, how each one affected my RDDI (Rich Diet Digestive Inconsistency) and the food that eventually helped fix my digestive problems. My humans love me →